Preparing for your Train Driver Psychometric tests 2024
As a train driver, you’ll be responsible for driving passenger or freight trains in a variety of conditions. You’ll be responsible for the safety of the entire train. As this is a job that has tremendous amount of responsibility and risk, companies such as Metro, RailCorp, QLD Rail (QR), V-Lina, Aurizon are conducting several types of psychometric tests and psychomotor tests to ensure candidates who apply to work as trainee train drivers have the right set of skills to become train drivers. You must pass the psychometric tests for train drivers to move to the next step of your recruitment.
The particular type of psychometric tests you will need to pass for the position of trainee train driver depends on the company. However, most of them have similar types of tests to complete. Preparing to each type of psychometric test is a crucial step to ensure that you pass to the next step of your recruitment for the position for trainee train driver.
The Institute of Psychometric Coaching is the largest Australian provider of preparation material including real timed practice psychometric tests for train drivers online, psychometric test courses online and personal tutoring (face to face or Skype video) delivered by expert Psychologists to ensure that you pass your psychometric test for the position of train driver.
V-line and other companies use the Vienna Test System (VTS) to assess your suitability. The Vienna Test System has a component of Psychometric tests in addition to psychomotor tests. These tests include a job-specific Abstract reasoning test and a job-specific Verbal reasoning test.
Metro assess candidates for the position of a train driver or trainee train drive using a combination of psychometric tests - abstract reasoning test, verbal reasoning test, numerical reasoning test, mechanical reasoning test and work safety test.
RailCorp conducts assessment centres for candidates applying for a train driver position. The assessment centre includes testing all candidates using psychometric tests and a competency based job interview.
What to expect in your logical reasoning or abstract reasoning test for the position of a train driver:
An abstract reasoning test for the position of a train driver usually includes a series of shapes linked together by a pattern or some logical rules. For each series you are asked to find a missing shape or the next shape in the sequence out of a list of answer options.
This test is timed and you typically have around 30 seconds to complete each test question.
What to expect in your verbal reasoning test for the position of a train driver:
A verbal reasoning test for the position of a train driver typically includes questions such as word synonyms, word associations, lists of words and word meanings. Each questions has several answer options and you need to select the correct one.
This test is also timed and you typically have around 30 seconds to complete each test question.
What to expect in your numerical reasoning test for the position of train driver:
A numerical or quantitative test for the position of a train driver typically includes questions that provide some basic numerical information that can be presented as text, table or graph. You are required to do some basic computational tasks such as sums, substations, percentages to find the correct answer. Each question will have several answer options.
This test is also timed and you typically have around 60 seconds to complete each test question.
What to expect in your mechanical reasoning test for the position of train driver:
A mechanical test for the position of train driver typically includes questions about gears, pullies and leavers. You are required to do demonstrate an understanding of basic mechanical concepts to find the correct answer. Each question will have several answer options.
This test is also timed and you typically have around 60 seconds to complete each test question.
What to expect in your work safety test for the position of train driver:
A work safety test for the position of train driver includes a list of statements that you need to say to what extent you agree with each statement about you. The scales that these test measure are your ability to follow rules, your safety perception, your safety behaviour, risk avoidance and more.
Our professional preparation for your psychometric test for the position of train driver:
The Institute of Psychometric Coaching has developed a variety of tailored preparations to ensure you are ready for your tests for the position of train driver.
Our professional preparations include:
Practice cognitive tests & work safety test online specific to train drivers:
- A large pool of timed practice job customised cognitive tests online - Abstract Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning tests.
- Based on real test questions.
- Timer mimics the pressure of taking the real test.
- Step by step solutions at the end of each cognitive test.
- Practice Work Safety test based on real test questions.
- Test scores in comparison to others.
- Feedback on how to improve.
- Immediate Access.
Cognitive tests and Work Safety test courses online for the position of train driver:
- Special Cognitive tests' courses online with all the knowledge you need to pass the psychometric tests for a train driver position.
- Abstract Reasoning Test Course online with some example test questions.
- Verbal Reasoning Test Course online with some example test questions.
- Numerical Reasoning Test Course with some example test questions.
- Special Work Safety personality test course with all the knowledge you need to pass the test for train drivers.
- Immediate Access.
Personal Tutoring for your Cognitive test and Work Safety test for the position of train driver:
- Delivered by Australian Psychometric test experts.
- Face to face or via Skype live.
- Includes an analysis of your weaknesses.
- Working with you to ensure you demonstrate your full potential and capabilities in the cognitive and work safety tests.
Read about some of our success stories:
I just wanted to let you know that I just heard back from Sydney Trains regarding my online recorded interview. I received an email congratulating me that I have progressed to the next stage and I have attended a job related assessment this week and passed to the next step. So I wanted to say thank you because I know I wouldn't have been able to answer the questions without your help.
Andrew (applied for a train driver position with Sydney Trains)
Just wanted to pass on my thanks to Daniel who was a big help in preparing me for my Psyche interview for Rail Car Driver in Perth. I have passed and am now in the pool waiting impatiently for a training date. All the tests i did were a great help too. Many thanks, especially to Daniel!
Glen (applied for a train driver position with PTA)
Start practicing for your preparation for train driver tests