ADF Assessment Day Professional Preparation - Practice Aptitude Tests, Psychological Interview Preparation, Individual or Group Activity Preparation
The Institute of Psychometric Coaching will ensure you are well prepared for your ADF Assessment Day aptitude tests and your 4-hour psychological assessment session.
We offer online Practice Aptitude Tests for your ADF Assessment Day with step by step answer explanations.
- All practice aptitude tests are timed as in your real test.
We offer Interview Courses online to prepare for your psychological interview.
We also offer Personal Tutoring for your Aptitude Tests and Psychological Interview. Delivered by experienced Australian Psychologists.
What the ADF Assessment Day Psychological Assessment process includes:
- a timed General Ability Test
- a timed Mathematical Ability Test
- a Psychological Interview
- an Individual/Group exercise such as delivering a short presentation in front of the other candidates
The aim of psychological assessment is to determine what skills and abilities candidates have and then to match the ADF jobs that require these same sets of skills and abilities.
What to expect in your ADF’s Assessment Day Aptitude Testing process:
- You will be asked to sit ADF’s aptitude tests online from a room at the recruitment centre.
- You are not allowed to use a calculator or a dictionary of any kind during any of your aptitude tests.
- During the test session, you will be provided with pencils, eraser and writing paper.
Why preparation is crucial for your ADF Assessment Day Aptitude Testing:
The outcome of your aptitude testing provides ADF recruiters with a good understanding of your aptitudes, abilities and underlying knowledge. With this information, they can assist you in identifying an occupation for which you are best suited.
Typically, you only have two chances at ADF’s aptitude testing. Failure to reach the thresholds in these tests twice in a row would make it almost impossible for you to have a career with the ADF.
How we prepare you for ADF Assessment Day Aptitude Testing:
The ADF Assessment Day General Ability Test:
This test has 75 test questions and you only have 30 minutes to complete it. This is a very difficult task to complete in such a short time.
This test measures your cognitive ability in three key areas using 3 sub tests:
1. Verbal test
This test measures your verbal analytical skills. Test questions in this section include word analogy, word meanings, synonyms and antonyms, etc. For example, Car is to Road as Boat is to?
2. Numerical test
This test measures your numerical analytical skills. Test questions in this section include: number series, work problems, simple maths, etc. For example, 1, 3, 9, 27, ?
3. Abstract test
This test measures your abstract analytical skills. Test questions in this section include: Which figure is next? Which figure is the odd one out? What is the missing figure?
For example, which figure is next in this series?
IPC’s preparation solutions for your ADF Assessment Day Aptitude Test:
The Institute’s specialists have prepared several full preparation solutions for this test. They include:
Our ADF Assessment Day Aptitude Test Courses online
Short and practical online courses for the verbal test component of your aptitude test
Short and practical online course for the numerical test component of your aptitude test
Short and practical online course for the abstract test component of your aptitude test
Our ADF Assessment Day Practice Aptitude Tests online with Step by Step Answer Explanations
A large pool of practice verbal test questions preparing you for the verbal test component of your aptitude test. Each test includes step by step answer explanations.
A large pool of practice numerical test questions preparing you for the numerical test component of your aptitude test. Each test includes detailed answer explanations.
A large pool of practice abstract test questions preparing you for the abstract test component of your aptitude test. Each test includes step by step detailed answer explanations.
Our Face to Face Tutoring Sessions for ADF's Assessment Day
One of our experienced Psychologists will work with you on how to improve your aptitude test skills
How to access your preparation solutions for ADF's Assessment Day tests?
- Go to our home page
- Select ‘ADF’ as your classification
- Select ‘Professional’ as your job level
- Click on ‘Start Preparing Now’
- Select from a list of tailored prep solutions
The ADF's YOU Session Psychological Interview
A major component of your ADF Assessment Day is your Psychological Interview. The interview is designed as a Behavioural Descriptive Interview in which the interviewer checks how you behaved in various competency related situations in the past such as at school or with friends. It’s a well structure interview where questions are designed according to skills and competencies required for the ADF . Your response determines how well you fit specific jobs that the ADF has to offer you. It is the approach of BDI which differentiates it from other interview techniques. Unlike situational interview, where interviewees are given a situation and their ability is analysed based on their response, BDI asks you to narrate a situation or incidences from your past experience which demonstrates a particular skill or ability.
IPC’s preparation for your ADF Assessment Day Psychological Interview:
To help you, the Institute’s specialists have full preparation solutions for your YOU Session Psychological Interview. They include:
We offer an Interview Preparation Course online developed by our Psychologists
The online course includes topics such as how to use body language to your advantage, how to start and end a successful BDI interview, what to ask and what not to ask in a BDI Interview.
We also offer Personal Tutoring sessions for the Psychological Interview.
One of our experienced Psychologists will work with you on how to improve your aptitude test skills
The ADF Assessment Day Individual or Group Exercise
As part of ADF's Assessment Day you might be asked to participate in an individual or group excercise to allow your assessors to measure your communication, leadership and team work skills. The Individual excercise typically includes a short task that you need to complete on your own. A good example for such a task is asking you to deliver a short presentation in front of the rest of the candidates or in front of the assessor.
IPC’s preparation for your ADFAssessment Day Individual or Group Excercise:
To ensure that you are well prepared for your individual or group excercise, the Institute offers you the following:
Personal Tutoring for your Individual or Group Activity delivered by experienced Psychologists.
In the personal tutoring you will participate in individual excercises and be provided with professional feedback about your performance.
Your psychologist tutor will work with you to improve your weaknesses and build up your confidence level.
The ADF's Assessment Day Personality Test:
In phase 2 of your selection (after successfully passing the ability and mathematical tests and your individual activity), you will be asked to come in for an interview conducted by an ADF psychologist and to undertake a personality test. The personality test is designed to identify personality impediments that will prevent you from successfully performing your role with the ADF.
IPC’s preparation for your ADF Assessment Day Personality test:
To help you, the Institute’s specialists have full preparation solutions for the personality test. They include:
- A tailored practice personality test with a full test report.
- A tailored personality test course online.
- One-on-one Tutoring sessions with our specialist psychometric test trainers.