Prepare for your Online Game-Based Job Opportunities Assessment with the ADF
The Institute of Psychometric Coaching will ensure you are well prepared for your ADF Job Opportunities Assessment aptitude test (JOA) and your 4-hour psychological assessment session.
Online practice aptitude testing for ADF's Job Opportunities Assessment (JOA) with step by step answer explanations.
Practice aptitude tests for ADF's JOA test are timed as in your real test.
Developed by expert Australian Psychometricians
Online course for your Job Opportunities Assessment aptitude test for ADF's YOU Session.
1-on-1 tutoring delivered by experienced Australian Psychometric test trainers in our offices or Skype live.
What the Online Job Opportunities Assessment for ADF's YOU Session includes:
The Job Opportunities Assessment is a game based type of psychometric testing developed. It includes 6 -7 types of timed mini tests. Each test is timed at around 3 to 5 minutes and looks like a basic video game.
The JOA test moves away from the question/answer based style of standard aptitude tests. Instead, it uses game based aptitude tests to measure your abstract, verbal and numerical reasoning. This means that you no longer have a series of questions on the screen andno calculator or paper pad is necessary.
You are expected to follow the instructions carefully as you start each test or game and work as quickly as you can.
The theory behind the game-based ADF aptitude test
ADF's game-based aptitude tests model is based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of the structure of human cognitive abilities.
The theory combines concepts like fluid and crystallised intelligence and the three-stratum model of intelligence. It has aided the evolution of the psychometric approach in understanding human cognitive characteristics by employing advanced statistical techniques like factor analysis.
What to expect in the ADF's JOA aptitude tests
ADF's game based mini aptitude tests measure three components about your cognitive abilities:
1. Problem Solving:
In problem solving the test assesses your ability to quickly learn, adapt and solve problems.
This measures your ‘fluid intelligence:’ the ability to see a problem for the first time and find out how to solve it without any prior knowledge.
2. Numerical Reasoning:
In numerical reasoning the test assesses your ability to understand numerical concepts, work with numbers and use formulas to solve problems.
3. Verbal Knowledge
In verbal knowledge the test measures your knowledge of the English language – focusing on spelling, grammar and identification of errors in text.
How does the timer work:
Each of the ADF mini aptitude tests is timed at 3 or 5 minutes.
What to expect in ADF's problem solving tests:
The ADF mini aptitude tests in this category include three mini tests measuring your problem solving skills:
- Gridlock
- Resemble
- Short Cuts
The ‘Gridlock’ test
In this ADF mini aptitude test you need to solve a number of consecutive grid based puzzle games as quickly as you can.
There is generally a central grid and you have to fit the given figures in (rotate, drag and drop) to complete the grid.
The ‘Resemble’ test
In this ADF mini aptitude test you will be presented with a figure in the left section and generally a simple ‘angle of rotation’ value given beneath it, for example: 180o or 90o.
All you have to do is mentally rotate the figure on the left by the angle indicated and recreate the resultant figure in a central grid on the right.
The ‘Short Cuts’ test
In this ADF mini aptitude test you are asked to move a particular ball and move it to a destination indicated by stars. You are supposed to move the target ball to the destination using the fewest moves as quickly as possible.
ADF's YOU Session Psychological Interview:
The last component of your YOU Session is going to be a Psychological Interview. The interview is designed as a Behavioural Descriptive Interview in which the interviewer checks how you behaved in various competency related situations in the past such as at school or with friends. It’s a well structure interview where questions are designed according to skills and competencies required for the ADF . Your response determines how well you fit specific jobs that the ADF has to offer you. It is the approach of BDI which differentiates it from other interview techniques. Unlike situational interview, where interviewees are given a situation and their ability is analysed based on their response, BDI asks you to narrate a situation or incidences from your past experience which demonstrates a particular skill or ability.
IPC’s preparation for your ADF job opportunities assessment (JOA) & Interview:
Our expert psychometric test trainers and mentors prepared for you several efective preparation solutions for you. They include:
Our practice tests for your job opportunities assessment (JOA) with ADF:
As each of the abilities (verbal, numerical and abstract) requires a different set of skills, our expert psychometric test trainers designed special preparations for each of the game-based mini aptitude test for Job Opportunities Assessment (JOA):
A large pool of practice game-based mini aptitude verbal tests with question styles tailored to the one in your online aptitude testing for ADF (JOA). Taking these practice aptitude tests will get you ready for the verbal component of your aptitude testing for ADF's online job opportunities assessment. Each practice aptitude test includes a timer to mimic the stress in your real test and step by step answer explanations after completing each test.
A large pool of practice game-based aptitude numerical tests with question styles tailored to your online aptitude testing for ADF's JOA. Taking these practice aptitude tests will get you ready for the numerical test component of your online opportunities assessment (JOA). Same as with the practice verbal aptitude tests, each practice aptitude numerical test includes a timer to mimic the stress in your real test and step by step answer explanations after completing each test.
A large pool of practice game-based aptitude abstract tests with question styles tailored to your online aptitude testing for ADF's JOA. Taking these practice aptitude tests will get you ready for the abstract test component of our online aptitude testing for ADF. Same as before, each practice aptitude abstract test includes a timer to mimic the stress in your real test and step by step answer explanations after completing each test.
Our test courses for your online aptitude testing for ADF's JOA:
- Short and practical online courses for the aptitude verbal test,
- Short and practical online course for the aptitude numerical test
- Short and practical online course for theaptitude abstract test
Our 1-on-1 tutoring sessions for your online job opportunities assessment for ADF's JOA Test & Interview:
- Delivered by our expert psychometric test trainers.
- Our experts will work with you on strategies and practical techniques to quickly solve ADF's game-based opportunities assessment (JOA) mini test questions.
- We will use examples to ensure that you apply this knowledge into practice.
- We will also work with you to ensure that you demonstrate your strong points in your interview.