Terms & Conditions
The below terms and conditions refer to the training services offered on the official website of the Institute of Psychometric Coaching (IPC) which includes, but is not limited to, the online services, first-class online content, online discussion forum, training workshops and personal coaching. the Institute does not control, and is not responsible for, any third-party websites to which this official website links.
Our preparation services
When accessing content on IPC's official website, you agree to the Institute's terms and conditions as appear on this page. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you can exit and not use this website.
IPC provides the materials contained on this website as a paid or free service to you for your personal, noncommercial use on an "as is, as available" basis, which may be used by you for information purposes only and at your own risk. Responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials is not assumed by IPC, which makes no commitment to update the information contained herein. IPC makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding this website, and expressly disclaims any and all such representations or warranties. This includes without limitation the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of text, graphics, links, products and services, and other items accessed from or via this website. Advice or information given by IPC or any other party on the website shall not create any warranty or liability. IPC reserves the right to amend and update this website and its contents in its sole discretion.
The use or the results of the use of the materials on the website in terms of their correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, or otherwise are not warranted by IPC, and IPC does not make any representations regarding such matters. IPC or any of its affiliates, or their respective partners, officers, directors, employees, or agents shall not under any circumstances be held liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential. This includes, without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits arising from or in connection with your use, reliance on, or performance of the information on the website.
IPC shall have no liability for the resulting unavailability of the website or for any loss of data or transactions caused by planned or unplanned system outages, or any outages of webhost providers or the Internet infrastructure and network external to the website. IPC makes no claim that the website will be uninterrupted, error-free, or free of viruses or other harmful components.
Cancellation and refund policy for the Institute's online preparation packages (excluding 1-on-1 personal coaching and workshops)
- All cancellations and refund requests must be in an email to info@psychometricinstitute.com.au
- We will contact the buyer to request additional information about the reason for the refund request and purchasing details (a refund form).
- It is important to note that we don’t promise and cannot promise that you get the job you are applying for solely based on taking our preparation services, as this depends on many factors that are not in our control – your basic capabilities, how you performed on the day of your tests, how others applying for the same role performed and other factors such as resume experience etc.
- If your actual tests were different from those you prepared for then we would simply refund your payment.
- Upon receiving the refund form from the buyer and pending that the purchase was done within the last 30 days, we will issue a refund to the buyer asap.
- We charge a cancellation fee of 17% for all refunds to cover admin and bank charges.
Preparation workshops and personal coaching sessions (delivered in our offices or via Skype live)
Enrolment for IPC's workshop or personal coaching sessions is not considered a firm booking until payment is received.
Payment is due upon receiving an enrolment confirmation from IPC. Registration details will be emailed to the person making the booking. This includes date, start and finish time, venue and relevant material for your coaching as well as a request to forward relevant information to your assigned coach. A tax invoice will be generated and emailed to the person making the booking upon payment confirmation.
The workshop/personal coaching fees cover the delivery of your workshop/personal coaching and your coach preparation time.
Cancellation and refund policy for workshops and 1-on-1 personal coaching sessions orders:
Should you be unable to attend a workshop or personal coaching session for which you have registered, please let us know as soon as possible. Cancellation must be in writing and emailed to info@psychometricinstitute.com.au
Due to the cost to IPC of venue and allocation of experienced senior psychometrician trianers, we only refund workshop and personal coaching fees according to the following principle:
- If you cancel with notice of more than 14 days, we will charge you 25% of fee.
- If you cancel with notice of 8-14 days, we will charge you 50% of fee.
- If you cancel with notice of less than 8 days, we will charge you full fee.
IPC reserves the right to cancel a workshop/personal coaching session or alter the dates and venue due to unexpected issues. If the training is cancelled, we will make every attempt to notify participants booked strightaway. No claims for compensation can be accepted other than the refund for the training.
The training provided by IPC contains information that can be used to prepare for employment testing. The personalised information you receive is based on the results of your responses to one or more online questionnaires. It is important to take into consideration the subjective nature of questionnaire-based ratings in the interpretation of this data. IPC can accept no responsibility for the consequences of the use of the information and feedbacks offered. Also, IPC accepts no liability whatsoever for any subsequent use, disclosure, storage and security of the information collected and provided.