Practice aptitude, personality and psychometric tests online with detailed answer explanations
IPC’s professional practice aptitude and personality tests online - full tests, reports & answer explanations
We have the following professional practice aptitude and personality tests for you (all are components of your psychometric test):
- Practice abstract/conceptual aptitude tests online
- Practice logical reasoning aptitude tests online
- Practice verbal aptitude tests online
- Practice numerical aptitude tests online
- Practice personality tests online
Our professional practice tests help you to improve your test score because we have:
- The largest pool of online, professional aptitude and personality test questions
- Practice tests questions at the level of difficulty that matches the job you are applying for
- Online practice test questions and a structure that mimic your real test experience, including time limitations, stress and pressure
- Full test reports that are immediately available with your total score and lists of correct and wrong answers
- Immediate detailed answer explanations for each test question, and practical recommendations to ensure you improve your test scores
- Practice test questions and reports that are written by experienced Australian psychometric test trainers.
How to take our online practice tests?
As our practice aptitude and personality tests are matched to the job you are applying for, you must go to our ‘home page’ or ‘buy preparation’ page:
1. Select the classification/industry of the job you are applying for
2. Select the level of the job you are applying for.
3. Then click on ‘Start preparing’ or ‘go’ buttons to view the relevant practice tests for you.
This selection will ensure you receive the proper practice tests that will improve your scores.
How can you ensure that you are using professional practice tests and not just ‘fun’ tests?
Many wrongly believe that doing online practice aptitude and/or personality tests is all that it takes to prepare for your psychometric test. However, an effective preparation requires much more than simply taking an online test and getting a score.
Want to practise for your aptitude, personality and psychometric testing? Here’s what you need to ensure you get to improve your test scores:
Must be developed by of a professional test developer
By searching the Internet, you will find many free online psychometric, aptitude and personality tests.
However, most of these are not suitable for the specific job you are applying for. Most do not offer test questions of the same level of difficulty and complexity as your real test – they simply measure general aptitude and personality. Most are designed more for ‘fun’ rather than for professional test preparation. Therefore, the benefit of taking these tests to practise for a real psychometric test is limited, and somewhat questionable.
Must be suitable for the job you are applying for
When you take practice aptitude and personality tests, you must ensure they are suitable for the occupation and organisational level (i.e. graduate, professional, manager) you are applying for. Aptitude test questions (in verbal, numerical, and abstract aptitude tests) have a specific level of difficulty. You must ensure that the level of difficulty of your practice test questions matches the job you are applying for – otherwise, there is almost no benefit in using them. For example, when you are applying for a graduate role in HR, you are likely to be expected to demonstrate higher skills than when applying for a graduate role in IT. This means that the verbal reasoning questions for a graduate role in HR will be more difficult than those for a graduate role in IT.
Must mimic the real aptitude and personality tests used in the market
Each aptitude test type has specific time limits that must be applied in your practice test to ensure an effective preparation for your real test. Practice personality tests have a specific structure to measure your work-related personality. You must ensure that the practice test uses the proper structure and measures relevant personality characteristics. A measurement of general personality, for example, is of low benefit when practicing for your real test.
Must include detailed answer explanations for each test question
There is very little benefit in taking a test if you can’t learn from your mistakes, understand how to correctly solve questions, and identify the areas in which you need to improve.
Must include recommendations and course guides to ensure you improve your test score
You have taken many tests in your life, and you have prepared and practised for all of them. The psychometric test is no different. Many components in the aptitude tests are based on acquired knowledge and skills that can be improved. For example, learning and practising the different types of numerical aptitude test questions, learning the mindsets behind the verbal aptitude test questions, and recognising the transformation patterns in abstract aptitude test questions gives you the edge you need.