Pre-employment testing practice - aptitude and personality tests
Many local and international companies in both the private and public sector now rely on pre-employment tests, such as aptitude and personality tests, as the most effective method to measure your ‘fit’, or match, for a position you apply for. These tests tell employers what they need to know, not just what you want to share with them.
Why pre-employment tests might stop you getting the job you want
One of the key challenges of these pre-employment tests is to ensure they measure an applicant’s true capabilities and characteristics, as it’s widely known that pressure and stress can drag some job seekers’ test scores down. You may find that ‘perfect’ candidates, who have both the right experience and capabilities, are filtered out of the recruitment process merely because they didn’t pass the basic pre-employment test requirements. Once your pre-employment test finds your profile does not match the requirements, it will be almost impossible for you to remain in the race to get the job you applied for.
IPC’s pre-employment testing practice solutions
To address this challenge, the Institute of Psychometric Coaching (IPC) now offers online professional preparation solutions to help you express your true capabilities in your pre-employment tests. Our unique preparation solutions include:
- Online courses for each component of your pre-employment tests – abstract, verbal, numerical, mechanical and personality tests.
- Online practice pre-employment tests – we have a pool of around 1000 test questions, which include comprehensive test reports and feedback with detailed answer explanations.
- One-on-one personal coaching for your pre-employment test – delivered by one of our Psychometric test experts.
Ultimately, our aim is to increase the fairness of these pre-employment tests and to ensure that you are given a fair go and an equal opportunity when doing them.
Our preparation solutions for your pre-employment tests are industry and job-level specific. We have preparation solutions for pre-employment tests that cover more than 90 positions. This means that a job seeker applying for a position with the Australian Defence Force (ADF) will have a different set of preparation solutions than one applying for a position with National Australian Bank (NAB).
Pre-employment test examples:
Abstract test questions examples and answers
Numerical test questions examples and answers
Verbal test questions examples and answers
Mechanical test questions examples and answers
Personality test questions examples and answers
Try our free pre-employment tests:
Free pre-employment abstract test
Free pre-employment verbal test
Free pre-employment numerical test
Free pre-employment personality test
Experienced Australian psychometric test writers and trainers have developed all the preparation solutions for your pre-employment tests.
The Institute of Psychometric Coaching was established in 2007 and we have had many satisfied customers take our preparation solutions for pre-employment tests. Take control of your recruitment process to ensure you have the best chance at your pre-employment test.