Psychometric Preparation for Mid-management (focus on managing staff) in Criteria tests (Cognify, UCognify, Emotify, CCAT, Safety)
Your psychometric tests will include job-customised aptitude/cognitive and personality tests. These aptitude/cognitive tests include customised verbal, numerical, abstract and mechanical test questions. The following job-customised preparation options were developed to ensure you pass your tests with flying colours.

Wanted to let you know I scored in the second highest level for the aptitude test and was eligible for rifleman with the Australian Defence Force. I also passed my interview and personality test.
Thank you so much for all your help in preparing me for the tests and interview
- Dwayne G. (applied for a position with ADF)
- Practice
tests & courses
(job specific) - ✓ Customised practice tests
(Job Specific) - ✓ Customised test courses online
- ✓ Job Interview course
- ✓ Test scores against other
applicants - ✓ Full solutions & detailed
explanations - ✓ Developed by expert
Australian Psychometricians - View Packages
- Practice tests only
(job specific) - ✓ Customised practice tests
(Job Specific) - ✓ Test scores against other
applicants - ✓ Full solutions & detailed
explanations - ✓ Developed by expert
Australian Psychometricians - View Packages
- Courses online only
(job specific) - ✓ Customised test courses online
- ✓ Job Interview course
- ✓ Techniques & practical advice
to improve your score - ✓ Developed by expert
Australian Psychometricians - View Packages
- 1-on-1 tutoring
- ✓ Tutoring for Psychometric tests
- ✓ Tutoring for Job Interviews
- ✓ Tutoring for Group
Assessments - ✓ Tutoring for Role-Plays
- ✓ Delivered by expert
Psychometric test trainers - ✓ Face-to-face or Skype live
- View Packages