The comprehensive psychometric tests preparation guide - preparation for Aptitude, Reasoning, Cognitive, Emotional & Personality tests
Based on more than 25 years of experience as psychometricians, we developed a comprehensive Psychometric test preparation guide with practical facts, example aptitude and personality test questions and valuable tips how to perform best in your aptitude tests, cognitive tests, reasoning tests, personality tests, work safety tests, emotional intelligence tests & more.
The institute's preparation guide includes preparation for the following tests:
Cognitive, aptitude & reasoning tests preparation
Personality tests preparation
Emotional Intelligence tests preparation
Work Safety tests preparation
Situational Judgment tests preparation
Assessment Centre preparation
Pre-employment tests preparation
Psychometric developers test preparation
Popular jobs test preparation
How to best prepare for your psychometric tests:
1. Only use a credible test preparation
10 most important rules to select the right psychometric test preparation.
2. Only use cognitive and aptitude practice tests that fit your job
Comprehensive guide to prepare for aptitude, cognitive & reasoning tests:
The first and most common measurement of your suitability for the job you applied for is the use of a combination of aptitude, cognitive & reasoning tests. These tests measure job-specific aspects of your intelligence. It is very important to consider that the style of test questions in each of these tests is job-specific. This means that different jobs would have different styles of test questions. You can read more about these tests in our guides:
Job specific cognitive and aptitude practice tests example questions
How to prepare for each type of cognitive and aptitude tests:
Aptitude & reasoning tests guide & examples
Abstract & Inductive reasoning tests guide & examples (Abstract tests are also known as Logical or Inductive reasoning tests)
Logical reasoning tests guide & examples
Verbal & Deductive reasoning tests guide & examples
Numerical reasoning tests guide & examples
Mechanical reasoning tests guide & examples
Aptitude & reasoning tests' tips
Top 10 tips to prepare for an Aptitude, Reasoning & Cognitive tests
3. Use practice personality tests that fit your job
The second and also very common measurement of your suitability for the job you applied is the use a combination of personality tests. These tests measure job-specific personality scales.
The most common mistakes about the personality tests are: you can’t prepare for these tests or that these tests are less important to employers. The truth is that you can and should prepare for your personality tests and that they are very critical to you landing the job you applied for.
The second most common mistake is that you think that preparing for one personality test is the same as preparing for another. It is a big NO, as each personality test measures different personality traits and is likely to use a different style of test questions to do so.
Therefore, you must prepare for the personality test that you will get instead of wasting your time on other tests.
How to prepare for personality tests:
Full Personality tests preparation guide & examples
4 Use practice emotional intelligence tests that fit your job
Another very common measurement of your suitability for the job you applied is the use of an emotional intelligence test. These tests measure your ability to identify emotions, manage relationships and predict people’s emotional response.
Same as with the personality tests, the most common mistakes about the emotional intelligence tests are: they are so simple that I do not need to prepare for them or that these tests are less important to employers. The truth is that you can and should prepare for your emotional intelligence tests and that they are very critical to you landing the job you applied for.
How to prepare for emotional intelligence tests:
Emotional Intelligence tests preparation guide & examples
MSCEIT emotional intelligence test preparation guide and example test questions
Emotify emotional intelligence test preparation guide & example test questions
4. Use practice work-safety tests that fit your job
The forth and also very common measurement of your suitability for job that have a focus on work safety such as train drivers, engineers, manufacturing and mining. These tests measure job-specific work safety personality scales such as safety awareness.
How to prepare for work safety tests:
Work Safety tests preparation guide & examples
5. Practice situational judgment tests
The fifth component are situational judgement tests. While these are not psychometric tests, they are sometimes added to the psychometric tests. They include scenarios and focus on understanding how you are likely to respond to work-related scenarios. You can read more about these tests in our guides:
Situational Judgement tests preparation guide
6. Prepare for your Assessment Centre
The sixth component that employers sometimes use to measure your suitability for the job is an assessment centre.
How to prepare for assessment centres:
Assessment Centre preparation guide & examples
Preparation for group and individual test activities in Assessment Centres
E-trays exercises in Assessment Centres
Preparation for group discussions in Assessment Centres
6. Prepare for your pre-employment tests
Practice Pre-Employment tests guide:
In some cases, employers might use pre-employment tests to assess your suitability for the job you applied. You can read more about pre-employment tests in our guide:
Pre-employment tests preparation guide & example test questions
7. Prepare for psychometric test by test developers
Another option to prepare for your psychometric test is by preparing for the type and style of test questions used by the psychometric test developer that your employer chose to use. The challenge here is that most psychometric test developers offer several styles of test question. The right style of test questions will be mainly based on the type of the job you are applying for.
How to prepare for cognitive, personality and emotional intelligence tests from a test developer:
ACER tests preparation guide & example test questions
Chandler Mcleod tests preparation guide
Hogan Assessments tests preparation guide & example test questions
Revelian tests preparation guide & example test questions
Saville tests preparation guide & example test questions
Sova Assessment tests preparation guide & example test questions
SHL tests preparation guide & example test questions
TalentQ tests preparation guide & example test questions
8. Prepare for your aptitude tests and personality tests - popular jobs:
Practice YOU Session aptitude tests (JAO) for ADF:
Aptitude tests (JAO) preparation for ADF's YOU session practice tests & example questions
Your ADF Assessment Day preparation guide.
Practice aptitude tests, personality test and emotional intelligence test for Federal & State Polic:
Police Reasoning, Personality & Emotional Intelligence practice tests guide 2022
Federal Police tests preparation guide & practice test questions 2022
Victoria Police tests preparation guide & practice test questions 2022
NSW Police tests preparation guide & practice test questions 2022
QLD Police tests preparation guide & practice test questions 2022
SA Police tests guide & practice test questions 2022
Practice firefighter tests for Fire and Rescue:
FRV firefighter tests preparation guide & practice test questions 2022
NSW Fire & Rescue firefighter tests preparation guide & practice test questions 2022
QFES tests preparation guide & practice test questions 2022
Practice Ambulance / Paramedic tests:
Ambulance Victoria tests - Emotional Intelligence and Clinical personality test
NSW Ambulance tests - Emotional Intelligence test
Practice Train Drivers' aptitude tests and interview:
Train driver psychometric tests preparation guide 2022
Practice banking psychometric tests:
NAB's psychometric tests preparation guide
Macquarie's psychometric tests preparation guide
Prepare for Bond medical school's psychometric tests & interview:
Preparation for psychometric tests & interviews for medicine at Bond University 2022
Read our Institute's Psychometric tests preparation articles
Aptitude, Reasoning & Personality test preparation articles
Our professional guarantee:
- We are experienced psychometricians with extensive skills in education and training.
- 1000's of job specific practice tests with detailed answer explanations
- Timers used to mimic the time pressure.
- Online courses for each test and job
- Face-to-face tutoring delivered by expert Australian psychometricians.
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