Job-customised preparation guide for your aptitude test – in depth explanations, example test questions and free practice aptitude tests developed by expert Australian psychometricians
Aptitude tests are used to measure your work-related intelligence. Aptitude tests are one of the most commonly used tests to measure candidates’ suitability for a job. The most commonly used set of aptitude tests includes – abstract/logical reasoning, verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning tests..
Aptitude test questions are customised to the job you apply for
It is important to know that while two aptitude tests might have the same test names, the test questions' style and level of difficulty is likely to be very different. For example, if you are asked to complete a numerical aptitude test for a position in banking you will get test questions which include tables and graphs with many numbers and ratios. However, if you apply for a position with ADF you will get numerical aptitude test questions that only include number series and text based questions.
Don't waste precious time on practicing for the wrong style of aptitude test questions.
Aptitude test types:
Aptitude tests are typically grouped by the type of intelligence ability that they measure:
1. Aptitude tests that measure your fluid Intelligence:
Fluid intelligence is the ability to think and reason abstractly, effectively solve problems and think strategically. It’s more commonly known as ‘street smarts’ or the ability to ‘quickly think on your feet’.
What are the aptitude tests that measure your fluid intelligence?
- Abstract aptitude tests
- Logical aptitude tests
- Inductive aptitude tests
- Diagrammatic aptitude tests
What employers discover from your aptitude tests that measure your fluid intelligence?
- Your problem-solving skillsAability to quickly learn new skills
- Your ability to quickly integrate new information
- Your strategic thinking
- Your ability to deal with ambiguity in decision making
What to expect in this type of aptitude test?
- Non-verbal test questions which must be completed in a predefined time.
- You typically have around 30 seconds to complete each test question.
- The time limit and the level of difficulty are defined in such a way that only 1-5% of the population can correctly solve all the test questions within the time frame provided.
- Each test question includes a scenario and multiple answer options. There is only one correct answer.
- To solve a test question you need to identify one or more logical rules and apply them to identify the next or the ‘odd-one-out’ shape.
Want to read more in-depth about aptitude tests measuring fluid intelligence?
Abstract or conceptual aptitude tests
2. Aptitude tests that measure your crystallised Intelligence
Crystallised intelligence is the ability to learn from experiences or provided information and then to apply this learning to other work-related situations. Work situations that require crystallised intelligence include producing and analysing written reports, comprehending work instructions, using numbers as a tool to make effective decisions, etc.
What are the type of aptitude tests that measure your crystallised intelligence?
- Verbal aptitude or reasoning tests.
- Numerical aptitude or reasoning tests.
- Verbal comprehension tests.
- Mechanical aptitude tests.
- Spatial reasoning tests.
What employers discover about you from your aptitude tests that measure crystallised intelligence?
- Your ability to quickly identify critical issues.
- Your ability to use information to make decisions.
- Your ability to think logically.
- Your ability to process written information and comprehend written guidance.
- Your ability to process numerical information to identify critical issues and make decisions.
- Your ability to process mechanical information and understand basic mechanical concepts.
What to expect to see in aptitude tests that measure crystallised intelligence?
- A set of verbal or numerical problems which must be completed in a predefined time.
- Typically you are expected to solve an aptitude test question in this group in about 30 to 60 seconds.
- The timer in this type of aptitude tests can be per question or for the entire test.
- The time limit is defined in such a way that only 1-5% of the population can correctly solve all the test questions within the time frame provided.
- Each test question has only one correct answer.
- Test questions offer you written information such as statements, tables or graphs. Your task is to quickly analyse the given data and make correct business decisions.
Want to learn more about aptitude tests that measure your crystallised intelligence?
- Verbal aptitude tests
- Deductive reasoning tests
- Numerical aptitude tests
- Spatial aptitude tests
- Mechanical reasoning tests
It is important to explain a very confusing issue about aptitude tests. While the names of aptitude tests are generic such as Verbal aptitude test or Numerical aptitude test, the style of test questions and their level of difficulty is very different across different jobs.
Free practice aptitude tests & aptitude test questions customised for jobs:
You can try our Free Aptitude tests to gain some experience about what to expect. Please note that the questions style and level of difficulty was not customised for a specific job, like our preparation practice aptitude tests:
Free aptitude test example questions for ACT Fire & Rescue
If you are are applying for a position with ACT Fire & Rescue, then part of your entrance exam will include a set of Hudson's timed aptitude tests. Please note that the timer in these tests is per question instead of the entire test. Click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests customised for ACT fire and rescue and review free example aptitude test questions for ACT fire and rescue:
Free aptitude test example questions for your Job Opportunities Assessment Aptitude Test (JOA) for ADF - YOU Session
The job opportunities assessment online test for ADF - YOU session is an aptitude test that includes 51 test questions and you only have 20 minutes to complete it. This is a very difficult task to complete in such a short time. The aptitude test measures your cognitive ability in three key areas using 3 types of aptitude test questions - abstract reasoning, verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning. Click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests for ADF and review free example aptitude test questions in the JOA test for your YOU session:
Free aptitude test example questions for Australian Border Force
If you are applying for a position with Australian Border Force, you will be asked to complete, as part of your second phase a cognitive test which measures three components of aptitude tests - abstract, verbal and numerical reasoning. Following your aptitude screening phase you will be asked to participate in a special Assessment Centre that includes role-play with an actor and a behavioural interview. Following the Assessment Centre you will be asked to complete a clinical personality test to ensure that you do not have any mental issues. Click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests customised for Border Force and review some free example aptitude test questions for Border Force:
Free aptitude test example questions for Australian Federal Police (AFP)
The aptitude tests for Australian Federal Police include three types of aptitude tests - abstract aptitude test, verbal aptitude test and a numerical aptitude test. Federal Police also uses an emotional intelligence test. However, this test is a type of personality test. Each aptitude test is timed. Click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests customised to Australian Federal Police, prepare for the Australian Federal Police emotional intelligence test and review some free example aptitude test questions used by AFP:
Free aptitude test example questions for Australian Public Service (APS) - Federal and State
If you are applying for a position with APS, you will be asked to complete a set of aptitude tests including a timed emotional intelligence test. It is important for you to know that APS uses several aptitude test question styles. You must prepare for all aptitude test question styles. Click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests and a timed emotional intelligence test customised for the Australian Public Service and to read some free example aptitude test question styles customised to the APS:
Free aptitude test example questions for Citi Group
If you received an invitation to complete some aptitude tests for a position with Citi Group, then you will need to complete a combination of aptitude tests - logical reasoning, verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning tests in addition to a personality test. Please click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests customised to Citi group and review some free example aptitude test questions used by Citi Group:
Free aptitude test example questions for Deloitte and IBM (game based test)
If you applied for a position with Deloitte or have already been one of the lucky ones who received an invitation to complete some aptitude or cognitive tests with Deloitte, then please be aware that Deloitte and IBM typically asks candidates to complete a mixture of game based aptitude tests. Click on the following link to review some free example aptitude test questions for Deloitte and IBM:
Free aptitude test example questions for Fire and Emergency Services WA (DFES):
If you are are applying for a position with DFES, then part of your entrance exam will include a set of six mini aptitude and cognitive tests as well as a timed emotional intelligence test. Click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests and a timed emotional intelligence test customised for DFES and review free example aptitude test questions for DFES:
Free aptitude test example questions for Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW):
If you applied to a position with Fire and Rescue NSW, you will be asked to complete a timed Cognitive test which is an aptitude test that includes over 51 test questions and needs to be completed in 20 minutes. This aptitude test includes 3 types of aptitude test questions - abstract, verbal and numerical reasoning test questions. You will also be asked to complete a timed emotional intelligence test. Click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests and a timed emotional intelligence customised for Fire and Rescue NSW and review some free example aptitude test questions for the Cognitive test:
Free aptitude test example questions for Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV):
If you applied for a position with FRV, then in your initial screening you will be asked to complete several timed aptitude tests. These aptitude tests include abstract aptitude test, verbal aptitude test, mechanical test and a basic numerical aptitude test that includes both number series and basic questions in maths. Click on the following link to tale practice aptitude tests customised to FRV and review some free example aptitude test questions tailored to Fire Rescue Victoria.
Free aptitude test example questions for Macquarie Group:
If you applied for a position with Macquarie or have already been one of the lucky ones who received an invitation to complete some aptitude tests for a position with the group, then please note that you will be asked to complete a set of aptitude tests which have a timer per question. The set of aptitude test typically includes logical reasoning, verbal Reasoning, and numerical reasoning tests. Click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests customised to Macquarie Bank and Group as well as review some free example aptitude test questions used by Macquarie:
Free aptitude test example questions for NAB:
If you applied for a position with National Australia Bank (NAB) or have already been one of the lucky ones who received an invitation to complete some aptitude and personality tests customised to NAB, then please be aware that NAB typically asks candidates to complete a mixture of aptitude tests. Click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests customised to NAB and review some free example aptitude test questions tailored to NAB:
Free Aptitude test example questions for NSW Ambulance:
If you are applying to join NSW Ambulance, you will be required, to take several challenging aptitude tests as part of your phase 1 of your recruitment. NSW Ambulance will ask you to complete a timed abstract test, a timed business test (which is a verbal test) and a personality test.. Please click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests tailored to NSW Ambulance:
Free aptitude test example questions for Qantas:
If you applied for a position with Qantas or have already been one of the lucky ones who received an invitation to complete a set of aptitude tests measuring your abstract, verbal and numerical reasoning skills customised to Qantas. In addition, you will be asked to complete a personality test measuring critical personality attributes. It is important to be aware that Qantas has a special aptitude test questions style in their logical, verbal and numerical aptitude tests. Please click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests customised to Qantas and review some free example aptitude test questions tailored to Qantas:
Free aptitude tests example questions for Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES):
If you are applying to join Queensland Fire & Energy Services (QFES), you will be required as part of your application to take several aptitude tests. As part of your recruitment process, you will be asked to complete a timed mechanical test that includes a list of test questions that are based on mechanical principles, such as pullies and gears. You will also be asked to complete another set of timed aptitude tests that includes three types of test questions: abstract test questions, verbal test questions and numerical sequences questions. Please click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests customised to QFES and review free example aptitude test questions tailored to QFES:
Free aptitude tests example questions for South Australia Police (SAPOL):
If you are applying to join SA Police (SAPOL) , you will be asked to complete a variety of aptitude tests as part of your entrance exam. In the screening phase, you will be asked to complete the Cognify test which includes several aptitude mini tests focusing on measuring your cognitive abilities. In additional you will be asked to complete a timed emotional intelligence test (Emotify test). Please click on the following link to take our practice aptitude tests customised to SA Police including practice tests for the Emotify test and review some free example aptitude test questions tailored to SA Police:
Free aptitude tests example questions for Sydney Trains:
If you are applying to join Sydney Train, you will be asked to complete a variety of aptitude tests as part of your recruitment process. You will first be asked to complete some short aptitude tests online. Then you will be asked to come to participate in an assessment centre in Burwood which would have more extensive abstract and verbal aptitude tests. Please click on the following link to take practice aptitude tests customised to Sydney Trains and review some example aptitude abstract and verbal tests tailored to Sydney Trains:
Free non-job specific practice aptitude tests:
Below you will be able to take a range of free practice aptitude tests that were not designed for a specific jobs. Each practice test will focus on one style of aptitude test questions.
We also offer a detailed answer explanation at the end of each practice aptitude test. We would strongly advise that you read the detailed answer explanations to learn how to answer similar aptitude test questions in your real test.
Tips on how to solve aptitude test questions:
- Only use practice aptitude tests with timer to get your mind ready to work under pressure.
- Focus on solving around 70% of the aptitude test questions to allow yourself more time per question.
- Move on if you don't know the answer, as all test questions have the same number of points.
- Use elimination strategy, as aptitude test questions have only one correct answer.
- Don't waste your time by using practice aptitude tests that are not the correct aptitude test question style.
Our scientific preparation for your aptitude tests:
The Institute of Psychometric Coaching offers online preparation solutions (aptitude test courses, practice aptitude tests and personal coaching) developed by experienced psychometric test trainers who took part in developing aptitude tests and administering them to candidates applying for jobs with many local and international companies. Our preparation solutions are quick, effective, affordable and tailored to the level of difficulty and complexity of the position you are applying for.
1. Job-tailored practice aptitude tests with detailed solutions. Immediate Access –
- We have one of the largest pool of job-specific aptitude test questions.
- Prepare only for relevant test questions and tests.
- Each practice aptitude test has a timer to mimic real test taking pressure.
- Each practice aptitude test mimics your real test.
- Upon completing each test you receive an immediate full test reports about your strengths and weaknesses.
- You get your tests' scores in comparison to others.
- You get a list of your correct and incorrect answers.
- You get step by step answer explanations to all test questions.
- All this ensures that you quickly recognise questions’ patterns and correctly solve problems.
2. Job-tailored aptitude tests courses. Immediate Access –
- Each aptitude test course includes the do’s and don’ts of the aptitude test.
- You will learn effective aptitude test taking strategies.
- You will get example aptitude test questions and answers.
- All courses have been developed by experienced psychometric test trainers who are experts in test development.
3. 1-on-1 coaching sessions delivered by expert psychometricians –
- Get one-on-one coaching to ensure you improve your scores.
- Tutoring is delivered by psychometric test experts.
- Tutoring can be delivered face to face or via Skype video to ensure you get the most out of your coaching.
Our Institute's scientific preparation for the aptitude tests works!
- All our preparation material has been written by experienced Australian psychometric test trainers and psychometric test developers..
- Contrary to the common belief, you can prepare and significantly improve your aptitude test score. We have worked with over 200,000 satisfied customers who improved their aptitude test scores.
- We don’t just give you to complete just any aptitude tests but ensure it fits the level of difficulty as in your real test
- We don’t only give you to complete some aptitude tests online which is NOT an effective preparation strategy, but we give you detailed answer explanations to ensure you learn the right problem solving techniques.
- 91% said, in our recent survey, that they experienced an immediate improvement.
Some of our success stories in preparing applicants for the aptitude tests:
Wanted to say thank you so much for your help with everything. I just got my offer and I’m so grateful for your support and guidance during every stage of this process! Thank you so so much, once again!.
S (applied in health care)
After a long delay Macquarie have told me that i got the job. Getting through the tests ok was a key requirement and your help above and beyond was totally indispensable and so much appreciated. Thank you.
J (applied for a job with Macquarie)
It was so good to do my aptitude tests with NAB after taking your preparation. It made it so much easier.
Nikki (applied for a promotion with NAB)
Just wanted to pass on my thanks to you. You were a big help in preparing me for my aptitude Psyche tests with Rail Car Driver in Perth. I have passed and am now in the pool waiting impatiently for a training date. All the tests i did were a great help too. Many thanks, especially to Daniel!
Glenn (applied for a position with PTA)
I bought ACER’s book for Vic Police but it did not help me. Your site was great as I could learn what i did wrong and how to answer the aptitude test questions correctly. Without your help I would have failed the ACER tests again.
Daniel (applied for a position with Victoria Police)
In preparation for an aptitude assessment I sat this past Sunday which I received news I had been successful in progressing through to the QFES final phase of the recruitment process, (which is GREAT) I am very grateful for your services you provide.
A (applied for a position with QFES)
The guidance I received from you about the aptitude test was exactly what I needed. I highly recommend.
David (applied for a role with Fire and Rescue NSW)
I recently had a one-on-one coaching session with one of your senior psychometric test trainer. My time with trainer was worth every penny. He shared really clever strategies to prepare for the aptitude tests and helped me through some of the reasoning problems. I highly recommend this service and in particular the face-to-face coaching
Dustin (applied for a senior role with Bank of America)
G’day! I wanted to give you guys some feedback on the aptitude practice tests. What an awesome preparation, I do not regret buying it for one second. Thanks to your courses and tests I scored very highly on the aptitude test and qualified for every single ADF officer position including the one I was aiming for (Air Force Pilot!). I even told the recruitment officer about it and she said she would share it with other candidates! No hesitations from me to recommend this to other people. 10/10.
J.J. (applied for a role with ADF)
Click to start preparing for your aptitude tests Now